Contact Information
Laura Katrine Skinnebach
Aarhus Universitet
Langelandsgade 139 (Kasernen), bygning 1580
8000 Aarhus C
Laura Katrine Skinnebach (1972), PhD, is associate professor of art history at Aarhus University (AU), Denmark. She teaches medieval and early modern art history as well as a wide variety of visual and material culture programs.
Her background is a master in Communication Studies and History and studies in Theology.
Research Areas
Her research specialize in Medieval and Early Modern devotional practice and material culture. Her work focus on the devout sensorium and theories of perception – both medieval, early modern and contemporary. She is interested in image theory, both the cultural use and idea of the images and the ontology of images in a crosscultural and transhistorical perspective.
Her main projects are:
2005: PhD fellow at University of Bergen on Practises of Perception. Devotion and the Senses in Late Medieval Northern Europe.
2014: Postdoc grant from the Danish Research Council for Independent Research at Aarhus University, Denmark, on Early Lutheran Devotional Practice in Denmark
2020: Postdoc grant from Novo Nordic Foundation for research at Aarhus University in collaboration with Hans Henrik Lohfert Jørgensen (AU) and Henning Laugerud (UiB) on Bleeing Images, Christ Automata, action dolls and mechanical figures in late medieval Danish and Scandinavian visual media.
Select Publications
–(Forthcoming 2020), “Devotion in transition – Appropriation of Danish and British medieval prayer books and devotional practices”, Northern European Reformations: Transnational Perspectives, eds. J. Kelly, H. Laugerud & S. Ryan, Palgrave Macmillan.
–(Forthcoming 2020), “Materiality of Memory. The use and significance of wax in late medieval devotion”, Materiality and Religious Practice in Medieval Denmark, eds. S.Croix & M.Heilskov, Brepols.
–(2020), “Review of Bagnoli, Martina (ed.), A Feast for the Senses. Art and Experience in Medieval Europe”, Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies, University of Chicago Press Journals.
–(2019): “Haptic prayer – devotional books and practices of perception”, Touching Christ – Devotional practices, touching, and visionary experience in the Late Middle Ages, eds. D. Carrillo-Rangel, D. I. Nieto-Isabel & P. Acosta-Garcia, Palgrave Macmillan, 95-122.
–(2019), “At hæve sig over “tidens kostbare dråber” – Tiden og evigheden i senmiddelalderens billeder”, Passepartout, eds. P. Leth-Espensen, M. B. Herrie & A. Vandsø, Aarhus Universitet, 31-46
–(2018), ”A Mirror and Medium of Sanctity: Imitation and Internalization in Anna Brade’s Prayer Book”, Questiones Medii Aevi Novum, vol 22, 81-101.
–(2018), “Family Matters. The material formation of the Early Lutheran Household”, Lutheran Theology and the Shaping of Society. The Danish Monarchy as example, eds. B.K. Holm & N.J Kofoed, V&R, 261-282.
–(2016), “’Dhetta ar Oret’: Materielle forandringer som praksis og instrument”, Kunst og Kultur 2016:3, vol 98, E.H. Seland & L.K. Skinnebach, 154-162.
–Laugerud, H., Ryan, S. & Skinnebach, L.K. (2016), “The Materiality of Devotion. An Introduction”, The Materiality of Devotion in Late Medieval Northern Europe. Images, Objects and Practices, eds. S. Ryan, H. Laugerud & L.K. Skinnebach, Four Courts Press, 1-9.
–(2016), ”Transfiguration. Change and Comprehension in Late Medieval Devotional Perception”, The Materiality of Devotion in Late Medieval Northern Europe. Images, Objects and Practices, eds. S.Ryan, H. Laugerud & L.K. Skinnebach, Four Courts Press, 90-103.
–(2015), “Devotion. Incorporating the Immutated Sensorium in Late Medieval Devotional Practice”, The Saturated Sensorium. Principles of Perception and Mediation in the Middle Ages, eds. H.H.L. Jørgensen, H. Laugerud & L.K. Skinnebach, Aarhus University Press, 152-179.
–(2010), “Forestillingen om ‘periodens enhed’ og begrebet ‘habitus’ i den kunsthistoriske praksis”, Talende Bilder. Tekster om kunst og visuell kultur, eds. S. Lien & C. Serck-Hanssen, Spartacus, 55-68.
–(2007), “’the solace of his image’. Images and Presence in Late medieval Devotional Practice”, Instruments of Devotion. The Practices and Objects of Religious Piety from the Late Middle Ages to the 20th Century, eds. H. Laugerud & L.K. Skinnebach, Aarhus University Press, 189-207.