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Dr Kamil Kopania

(b. 1979), assistant professor, Ph.D., since 2009 works at the A. Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw. From 2009 till 2019, he was an assistant professor at the Institute of Art History of the University of Warsaw. He is interested in the relationship between art and theatre in the Middle Ages, the function and reception of works of art in the Middle Ages, the history of European puppet theatre, and selected aspects of contemporary art. From 2014 till 2017, he was the member of the research team of the “Agency of Things. New Perspectives on European Art of the Fourteenth-Sixteenth Centuries” project (http://www.agencyofthings.uw.edu.pl/index.html).

Member of the Review Board of “Humanities” (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/humanities), Member of the Editorial Board of “just a bit of: doll. multidisciplinary online-journal for human-doll discourses” (https://denkste-puppe.info/) and „Academic Bulletin of Kyiv National Kaparenko-Karyi University of Theatre, Cinema and Television” (http://visnyk.knutkt.com.ua/home.html).

Official profile and extended list of publications: https://atb.edu.pl/o-wydziale/pedagodzy/dr-kamil-kopania/
ACADEMIA: http://uw.academia.edu/KamilKopania
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6250-3979
e-mail: kamilkopania@gmail.com


1. Arsenał sztuki. Galeria Arsenał w Białymstoku i jej Kolekcja II [Arsenal of Art. The Arsenal Gallery in Białystok and its Collection II], Białystok 2006 [http://otworzksiazke.pl/ksiazka/arsenal_sztuki/]
2. Animated Sculptures of the Crucified Christ in the Religious Culture of the Latin Middle Ages, Wydawnictwo Neriton, Warszawa 2010 [http://otworzksiazke.pl/ksiazka/animated/]
3. Forma. Barwa. Faktura. O scenografiach Teatru Lalki i Aktora „Kubuś” w Kielcach i ich relacjach z innymi gałęziami sztuk plastycznych [Form. Color. Facture. On the Scenographies of the “Kubuś” Puppet and Actor Theatre in Kielce and Their Relations to Other Branches of the Visual Arts], Kielce 2016 [http://otworzksiazke.pl/ksiazka/forma/]
4. Wiesław Jurkowski. Malarz, grafik, scenograf [Wiesław Jurkowski. Painter, Printmaker, Stage Designer], Białystok 2019 [ https://atb.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/wieslaw_jurkowski_malarz_grafik_scenograf_1.pdf ]
5. Late Medieval Passion Panoramas: Background, Function, Reception, Warsaw 2020

BOOKS (ed.):
1. Kamil Kopania (ed.), Czas Apokalipsy. Koniec dziejów w kulturze od późnego średniowiecza do współczesności [Apocalypse Now. The End of Times in Culture from the Late Medieval Period to the Present Day], Wydawnictwo Neriton, Warszawa 2012 [http://www.academia.edu/3342457/Czas_Apokalipsy._Koniec_dziejow_w_kulturze_od_poznego_sredniowiecza_do_wspolczesnosci]
2. K. Kopania (ed.), Dolls and Puppets as Artistic and Cultural Phenomena (19th – 21st Centuries), The Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw – The Department of Puppetry Art in Białystok, Warsaw 2016 [280 pp., ISBN 978-83-938151-9-7, http://otworzksiazke.pl/ksiazka/dolls_1/ ]
3. K. Kopania (ed.), Dolls, Puppets, Sculptures and Living Images. From the Middle Ages to the End of the 18th Century, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw – The Department of Puppetry Art in Białystok, Warsaw 2017 [220 pp., ISBN: 978-83-883580-1-2, http://otworzksiazke.pl/ksiazka/dolls_2/ ]
4. K. Kopania (ed.), Dolls and Puppets: Contemporaneity and Tradition, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw – The Department of Puppetry Art in Białystok, Warsaw 2018 [368 pp., ISBN 978-83-88358-02-9, http://otworzksiazke.pl/books/28970 ]
5. J. Kordjak, K. Kopania (eds.), Puppets: Theatre, Film, Politics, exhib. cat., Zachęta – National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, 19 March – 23 June 2019, Warsaw 2019 [194 pp., ISBN 978-83- 64714-77-1]; Polish version: J. Kordjak, K. Kopania (red.), Lalki: teatr, film, polityka, kat. wyst., Zachęta – Narodowa Galeria Sztuki, Warszawa, 19 marca – 23 czerwca 2019, Warszawa 2019 [194 pp., ISBN 978-83-64714-76-4 https://zacheta.art.pl/public/upload/mediateka/pdf/5cc840854ba0e.pdf (en.); https://zacheta.art.pl/public/upload/mediateka/pdf/5cc83fdf90c72.pdf (pl.) ]

1. “Słowo – obraz – teatr. Uwagi na temat ‘Rozmyślań dominikańskich,’” Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, R. LXVI, no. 1–2, 2004, pp. 7–48 [The Word, the Picture and the Theatre. Comments on the subject of the ‘Dominican Reflections‘ – summary in English]
2. “‘Rood of Grace’ z opactwa cystersów w Boxley” [The “Rood of Grace” from the Cistercian Abbey in Boxley], Barok. Historia – Literatura – Sztuka, no. XI/2 (22), 2004, pp. 119–129
3. “Teatr paraliturgiczny hrabiego Józefa Augusta Ilińskiego / The Paraliturgical Theatre of Count Józef August Iliński,” Teatr Lalek, no. 1–2 (84–85), 2006, pp. 15–22 [article both in Polish and in English]
4. “Teofil Gautier i Cristo de Burgos” [Théophile Gautier and Cristo de Burgos], in: K. Korotkich, J. Ławski, D. Zawadzka (eds.), Światło w dolinie. Prace ofiarowane Profesor Halinie Krukowskiej [Light in the Valley. Works Presented in Honor of Professor Halina Krukowska], Białystok 2007, pp. 495–509
5. “Duchowa wędrówka po Jerozolimie. Obraz pasyjny z kościoła św. Jakuba w Toruniu, Biuletyn Historii Sztuki,” R. LXX, no. 1–2, 2008, pp. 91–112 [Spiritual wanderings in and around Jerusalem: the Passion Painting from St. James’s Church in Toruń – summary in English]
6. “‘The idolle that stode there, in myne opynyon a very monstrous sight’. On a number of Late Medieval animated figures of the crucified Christ,” in: A. Lipińska (ed.), Material of Sculpture. Between Technique and Semantics, Wrocław 2009, pp. 131–148
7. “Przedstawienia odrażające w późnośredniowiecznym malarstwie z terenów dzisiejszej Polski – zarys problematyki” [Repugnant Presentations in Late Medieval Painting in Areas Now Constituting Poland – Scope of the Problem], in: E. Dubas-Urwanowicz, J. Maroszek (eds.), Ars historiae / historia artis. Prace ofiarowane Profesorowi Andrzejowi Wyrobiszowi [Ars historiae / historia artis. Works Presented in Honor of Andrzej Wyrobisz], Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, Białystok 2012, pp. 61-72
8. “Rola animowanych rzeźb Chrystusa Ukrzyżowanego w pobożności cystersów oraz kartuzów angielskich u schyłku średniowiecza” [The Role of Animated Sculptures of the Crucified Christ in Worship Among Cistercians and English Carthusians in the Late Middle Ages], in: A. Kramiszewska (ed.), Fides ex Visu. Okiem mistyka [Fides ex Visu. Through the Mystic Eye], Lublin 2012, pp. 49-62
9. “Animowane rzeźby w ceremoniach liturgicznych i paraliturgicznych. Niedoceniony element dziejów teatru w Polsce” [Animated Sculptures in Liturgical and Paraliturgical Ceremonies. An Underappreciated Element of the History of Theatre in Poland], Pamiętnik Teatralny, no. 2, 2013, pp. 49-71
10. “Bramy piekieł w malarstwie i teatrze późnego średniowiecza” (Gates of Hell in Late Medieval Painting and Theatre], in: R. Knapiński, A. Kramiszewska (eds.), Fides ex visu. U drzwi Twoich [Fides ex visu. At Your Door], Wydawnictwo Werset, Lublin 2013, pp. 203-217
11. “Animating Christ in Late Medieval and Early Modern Poland,” Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural, Volume 4, Number 1, 2015, Special Issue: Animating Medieval Art, Guest Edited by Elina Gertsman, pp. 78-109
12. “Puppentheater im Mittelalter – Neue Sichtweisen” [Puppet Theatre in the Middle Ages – New Views], in: M. Joss, J. Lehmann (Hg.), Lektionen 7. Theater der Dinge. Puppen-, Figuren- und Objekttheater [Lesson 7. Theater of Things. Puppet, Figure and Object Theatre], Verlag Theater der Zeit, Berlin 2016, pp. 62-68
13. “Puppetry in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period – New Perspectives,” in: K. Kopania (ed.), Dolls, Puppets, Sculptures and Living Images. From the Middle Ages to the End of the 18th Century, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw – The Department of Puppetry Art in Białystok, Warsaw 2017, pp. 6-17
14. “The Assumption of Mary in Dieppe – an Unusual Example of Theatricalized Medieval Religious Ceremony,” in: K. Kopania (ed.), Dolls, Puppets, Sculptures and Living Images. From the Middle Ages to the End of the 18th Century, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw – The Department of Puppetry Art in Białystok, Warsaw 2017, pp. 34-57
15. «Panoramy pasyjne – misteria – literatura pielgrzymkowa. Uwagi o korespondencji sztuk w okresie późnego średniowiecza» [Passion Panoramas – Mystery Plays – Pilgrimage Litearture. Remarks on Correspondence of Arts in the Late Middle Ages], in: J. Cieślik-Klauza, M. Gail, T. Baranowski (eds.) Ars Inter Disciplinis. Korespondencja na styku sztuk, Uniwersytet Muzyczny Fryderyka Chopina – Wydział Instrumentalno-Pedagogiczny w Białymstoku, Białystok 2018, pp. 313-329
16. “Animated Sculptures of the Crucified Christ: Origins, Development and Impact,” Material Religion. The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief, vol. 14, issue 4, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/17432200.2018.1539578 , pp. 1-15
17. The Power of Images of Passion. Animated Sculptures of the Crucified Christ and the Problem of Visualizing Suffering in Medieval Art, in: C. M. Bino, C. Ricasoli (eds.), Performing the bible. Christian drama and the arts [in print, Brill]

Conferences (organiser or co-organiser):
• Czas Apokalipsy. Wizje końca dziejów w sztuce i kulturze europejskiej, Warszawa, January 13-15, 2011
• Dolls and Puppets as Artistic and Cultural Phenomenon, Białystok, June 23–25, 2014
• What Does Animation Mean in the Middle Ages? Theoretical and Historical Approaches, Białystok, September 16-19, 2021

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