Stephan Kuhn is a PhD-candidate at the University of Bergen (Norway). He currently works on his thesis about the medieval altar decorations in the 12-14th centuries. His research is centred on the church art collection of the University Museum in Bergen, which is one of the most outstanding collections of medieval church art in Europe. The objects in the collection originate mostly from churches in western Norway but the rarity of some objects is such that they are essential to the understanding of European art history on the whole, in particular on the topic of twelfth- to fourteenth-century altar decorations. The objects and object types found in the Bergen Church Art Collection will be analysed both artistically, liturgically, iconographically and technically/materially in order to obtain a better understanding of their use as parts of medieval altar ensembles. In a second step, the Norwegian material will be embedded in a wider European context. It will be shown that the Norwegian medieval church art forms an integral part of European art.
Stephan Kuhn graduated in 2017 with a Master of Arts in Art History at the University of Mainz (Germany) with a thesis about Dutch embroidery in the Late Middle Ages. He is member of the research group “Images of Knowledge” at the University of Bergen.
PhD-candidate, University of Bergen, from 2017
MA in Art History, University of Mainz (Germany), 2014-2017
BA in Art History, University of Nijmegen (The Netherlands), 2011-2014