Danish, born in Copenhagen 22nd December 1954, married in Bergen 1980, four children.
Personal research projects within the thematic framework of Enid:
Iconographia Pietatis – in qva de Corde ad Cor Loquitur
The Heart as Metaphor and Symbol in Early Modern European Piety.
“Come, stony heart, behold”. Scandinavian Passion Piety of the Baroque, and the motifs “The vision of king Christian IV” and the “Passion Clock”.
Formal education:
Magister artium, Art History, Århus Universitet, Denmark 1982
Doctor artium, Art History, Universitetet i Bergen, Norway 1987
Academical career:
- City Archives of Bergen, research assistant, 1982-84
- The Nowegian Council of Research in the Humanities (NAVF), research scholar, 1985-86
- Historisk museum at the University of Bergen, curator 1987
- Bergen Museum (university museum in Bergen), senior curator with curatorial responsibility for the museum collections of church art and religious art, and collections of coins and medals 1988-99
- Full professor in art history at Bergen Museum 1999-
Scholarly administrative positions:
- Member of the governing board of the Norwegian Research NFR-financed project “Continuity and confessionality. Lutheran “praxis pietatis” and the church interior 1500-1800”. 2000-2002
- Coordinator of ENID, European Network on the Instruments of
Devotion, 2003-
Administrative commissions:
- Member of the cross faculty board of the programme «Research in Culture and the Mediation of Culture» 1988-1991
- Member of the administrative and scholarly board of «Protection and mediation of Culture», the University in Bergen 1988-1992
- Member of the board of Medisinsk Historisk selskap, Bergen 1989-1992
- Chairman of the Bergen & Hordaland branch of the Norwegian «National trust» 1990-1992
- Member of the board of Bryggens Museum, Bergen 1992-1995
- Head of the Department of Art History and Cultural Studies, University of Bergen 1994-1997
- Chairman of the faculty commision of archives at UiB 1995-1996
- Chairman of the national programme for initiating research at Norwegian museums, “Museum Network” under the Norwegian Research Council 1995-1997
- Member of the national committee of the major Norwegian museums, discussing the practice and ethics of loans, deposits, collecting and administrating collections etc. 1999-2000
- Member of the interim board of Bergen Museum, University of Bergen 2001
- Head of the Cultural History Collections, Bergen Museum 2002-2005
- Member of the board of Bergen Museum, University of Bergen 2002-2005
- Norwegian delegate to FIDEM, Fédération Internationale de la Médaille, 2005
- Member of the board of “Museum for Music and Visual Arts, Bergen, 2006
The Catholic Church:
- Pastoral and liturgical assistant in St. Paul parish, Bergen 1990-1996
- Ordained deacon by most rev. bishop Gerhard Schwenzer and incardinated in the RC diocese of Oslo 1996
- Member of the executive committee of ecumenical cooperation between Christians in Bergen 1996-2002
- Member of the regional board of Western Norway preparing the ecumenical celebrations of the year 2000 1998-2000
- Coordinator of Missio Norge, the Pontifical Mission Works 2003-
- «Architecture in Bergen 1908-1983», Kreditkassen in Bergen, 1983.
- «The Art of the Hansa, Representations of the Epoch 1400-1550», Bryggens Museum, Bergen, 1985.
- «The Old Bergen – the Hidden Bergen», Bergen Museum (BM), 1987.
- «Liv Benedicte Nielsen. Paintings and lithographs 1979-89» BM 1989.
- «Late Medieval Painting and Sculpture 1450-1525», BM 1989.
- «The Face of the Young Norway. K. Kølles Landscapes From the Post 1814 Decades»,BM 1989.
- «Pictures of an Other Reality. Contemporary Icons», BM 1989.
- «Tom Waterreus, Sculptures from the 80s», BM 1990.
- «Russian Popular Prints», from the Sovjet Academy of Science, BM 1990.
- «The Divine service in Pictorial Language» Bergen 1990.
- «Verena Appel – Colour Woodcuts 1988-91», BM 1992.
- «Tradition. Contemporary Religous Art», BM 1992.
- «Modern Church Art» Rogaland kunstmuseum, Stavanger, 1993.
- God and Everybody. Interior Decorating as Religious Instruction During the 17th Century», Bryggens Museum, Bergen, 1993.
- «Bergen, the premodern city between 1650 and 1850», BM 1996.
- New Permanent exhibition of the Church Art Collection of Bergen Museum, 1100-1750, BM 1998.