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Associate Professor, Dr. Art. Henning Laugerud

Henning Laugerud (b. 1961), Dr.Art. Associate Professor, Dept. for Literary, Linguistic, and Aesthetic Studies, University of Bergen.

Research areas:
• Medieval and early modern.
• Theories of interpretation, Hermeneutics, visual-studies and rhetorical perspectives.
• Art- and cultural-history, history of ideas, religious history. Some particular themes: The power of images and visual culture and the idea of “tradition” and visual culture. History of the senses and material religion, Scandinavian Recusant history.

Some select publications:

Monographs and edited volumes:

The materiality of devotion in late medieval northern Europe. Images, objects and practices. Dublin: Four Courts Press 2016. ENID no. 3. (Co-editors Salvador Ryan and Laura Katrine Skinnebach.)

The Saturated Sensorium. Principles of Perception and Mediation in the Middle Ages. Aarhus: Aarthus University Press 2015. (Co-editors Hans Henrik Lohfert Jørgensen and Laura Katrine Skinnebach).

Devotional Cultures of European Christianity, c. 1789-c. 1960. Dublin: Four Courts Press 2012. ENID no. 2. (Co-editor Salvador Ryan).

Instruments of Devotion. The Practices and Objects of Religious Piety from the Late Middle Ages to the 20th. Century. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2007. ENID no. 1. (Co-editor Laura Skinnebach).

Norsk fritenkerhistorie 1500-1800 [The History of Norwegian Free-thinking 1500-1800]. Oslo 2001. (Together with Arne Bugge Amundsen.)

Articles and book chapters:

“’And how could I find Thee at all, if I do not remember Thee?’ Visions, images and memory in late medieval devotion” in H. Laugerud, S. Ryan & L.K. Skinnebach (ed. ): The materiality of devotion in late medieval northern Europe. Images, objects and practices. Dublin: Four Courts Press 2016, pp. 50-69.

“Memory. The Sensory Materiality of Belief and Understanding in Late Medieval Europe”, in H. Laugerud, H.H. Lohfert Jørgensen & L.K. Skinnebach (ed. ): The Saturated Sensorium. Principles of Perception and Mediation in the Middle Ages. Aarhus: Aarthus University Press 2015, pp. 246-272.

”To See with the Eyes of the Soul. Memory and Visual Culture in Medieval Europe”, i  ARV – Nordic Yearbook of Folklore vol. 66. Uppsala: Swedish Science Press, 2010, pp. 43-68.

“Memory Stored and Reactivated. Some Introductory Reflections”, i ARV – Nordic Yearbook of Folklore vol. 66. Uppsala: Swedish Science Press, 2010, pp. 7-20.

“Visuality and Devotions in the Middle Ages”, i H. Laugerud & L. Skinnebach (eds. ): Instruments of Devotion. The Practices and Objects of Religious Piety from the Late Middle Ages to the 20th. Century. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2007, s. 173-188.

“Some remarks on the Sacredness or the Sanctity of Images according to the Council of Trent and St. Thomas Aquinas”, in: Bugge Amundsen and Laugerud (ed. ): Categories of Sacredness in Europe, 1500-1800. Oslo 2003.